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Welcome to the Sussex Cricket Fixture Finder

The primary aim is to link cricket clubs looking for fixtures in a number of different ways. In addition, this website will be unique in its ability to provide information on all things relevant to Sussex based recreational cricket.

How to Use the Site:

Using the headers at the top of the page:

REGISTRATION: Use this to register your club to be able to use this site.

FIXTURE FINDER: This page allows you to view, post and respond to other clubs looking for fixtures through the comments section.

PLAY-CRICKET FIXTURE FINDER: This page explains how to use your club’s play-cricket website to find a fixture with another club.

FACEBOOK – SUSSEXFRIENDLYCRICKET: This independent Facebook group allows you primarily to post for emergency fixtures, but also allows you to fill your fixture list and find players so a game can go ahead.

If you have any questions about the site, or how to make use of it, please contact